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Competition 25 - AMR

Competition has now closed

View the Winners here

Competition timeline

  1. Applications open
    17 July 2024
  2. Briefing Webinar
    25 July 2024 10:00 am
  3. Q&A Webinar
    08 August 2024 2:00 pm
  4. Applications Close
    28 August 2024 1:00 pm
  5. Selection Panel
    November 2024
  6. Contracts Start
    January 2025

AMR is a significant threat to public health.

The NHS Long Term Plan identifies antimicrobial resistance as one of five priorities requiring NHS action on prevention, and reiterates the UK’s 20-year vision for AMR which outlines the aim for a world in which antimicrobial resistance is effectively contained, controlled and mitigated.

Under the overall theme of “Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)”, Competition 25 Phase 1 invites early-stage innovations in the following four priority areas:

  1. Point of care diagnostics, monitoring, and susceptibility testing

  2. Prescribing decision support and risk stratification

  3. Novel care delivery methods

  4. Infection prevention and control (IPC).

The competition is open to any innovation (e.g., medical device, in-vitro diagnostic, digital health solutions and AI solutions, behavioural interventions, and service improvements) that meets the entry criteria and the challenges described in the Challenge brief.

Single organisations (contracts are executed with individual legal entities) based in the UK or EU from the private, public and third sectors, including companies (large corporates and small and medium enterprises), charities, universities, and NHS providers, given a strong commercial strategy is provided, are eligible to apply.

Organisations based outside the UK or EU with innovations in remit for this call can apply as subcontractors of a lead UK/EU based organisation or via a UK or EU subsidiary.

Collaborations are encouraged in the form of subcontracted services as appropriate.

At early stage, the SBRI Healthcare programme offers a two-phased development approach;

Phase 1 contracts for technical and commercial feasibility testing are valued at up to £100,000 (NET) and last for six months. If successful, Phase 1 projects are entitled to apply for Phase 2 contracts for prototype development and early clinical evidence which are usually worth up to £800,000 (NET) over 12 months, subject to budget availability.

Please ensure you are registered on the Research Management System (RMS) in order to begin your application.

We advise that you register on the RMS 7 days in advance of the competition deadline in order to have your account approved on time.

See the list of Panel members

Please read the guidance on the How to apply page - Phase 1 Guidance for Applicants, Portal Guidance, and the FAQs page.

Watch the Briefing Webinar:

Supporting documents


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