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Search the SBRI Healthcare and NHS Cancer Programme Innovation Open call portfolio.

If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

We would be happy to make introductions to the companies or provide any further feedback you require.

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Directory search results

GSPK Design

Project EMgage, a wireless patient and control unit allowing small muscle movements to control ancillary assitive technology equipment

Working closely with the NHS Assistive Technology team at Barnsley Hospital, GSPK Design has developed EMgage, a novel form of muscle activity sensing that provides a reliable method by which patients can use assistive technology to communicate and operate computers and other equipment making a real difference to their lives.

Funding £ 476,668
Competition Competition 8 - Brain injury healthcare – impacting the care pathway from prevention to rehabilitation
Competition Date October 2014
Health Innovation Network Partner Yorkshire and Humber AHSN

Obex Technologies

Project An integrated rehabilitation platform for long-term management, tracking and support of patients with brain injury

It is important that brain injury patients are treated holistically and with seamless access to relevant patient information for all stakeholders caring for the patient. Obex Technologies is developing an existing, proven hospital-based and registry platform and extending its applicability into community based healthcare including capturing quality-of-life information directly from the patient.

Funding £ 692,470
Competition Competition 8 - Brain injury healthcare – impacting the care pathway from prevention to rehabilitation
Competition Date October 2014
Health Innovation Network Partner Eastern AHSN

Cardiocity Ltd

Project C2VS combined cardio and vascular

Cardiocity is developing Rhymthpad technology that allows a patient to be screened for Hypertension during an existing 30 second hand placement screening for Atrial Fibrillation. The innovation is to combine the Cardio and Vascular side of the patient assessment simultaneously. It is hoped that more detailed analysis may be performed in a proactive screening session at each Primary Care Interaction. The benefit to the NHS is identifying patients with both AF and Hypertension earlier, allowing for a medication solution to be implemented, rather than waiting for a significant event to occur.

Funding £ 869,851
Competition Competition 5 - Improving outcomes for patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Competition Date September 2013
Categories Cardiovascular
Health Innovation Network Partner North West Coast AHSN


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