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If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

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11 Health

Project Restoring control and quality of life within stoma care

Ostom-i Alert is a sensor that clips onto any ostomy bag and sends Bluetooth alerts to an app on a patient's mobile device telling them when their bag is filling. Currently patients with stoma bags have no warning when their bags are filling. This results in overflows and spills, particularly at night. The incidents are distressing, embarrassing and reduce their quality of life and lead to additional health conditions including infections. This device allows patients to set personalised alerts for their bag. The device also captures useful information on volume of output which can be emailed to patient and clinicians.

Funding £ 745,417
Competition Competition 9 - Addressing functional needs in the elderly
Competition Date June 2015
Categories Oral & gastrointestinal , Inflammatory & immune system
Health Innovation Network Partner UCLPartners AHSN

Buckingham Healthcare

Project Exercise system for inpatients

Patients in a ward environment are at risk of developing muscle wastage whilst in hospital due to a natural deterioration in their physical function as a result of their immobility. This patient exercise system is designed to maintain a patients pre-admission level of function and to improve their muscle strength whilst in hospital with a view to being discharged home more quickly.

Funding £ 11,504
Competition Competition 9 - Addressing functional needs in the elderly
Competition Date June 2015
Categories Generic health relevance , Social care
Health Innovation Network Partner Wessex AHSN


Project Inclusiviti Chair- A stylish embodiment of functional and aesthetic design, making assistive technology aspirational

The Inclusiviti Chair delivers improvements through intuitively controlled Mecanum wheels. These comprise of hubs with several elliptical rollers placed at an angle around the periphery. Mounted in groups of four, Mecanum-wheeled systems achieve omnidirectional movement by varying speed and rotation direction of different wheels. This allows unrivalled manoeuvrability- crabbing and diagonal movement in a compact footprint. Further step-change improvements will be designed and tested as follows: A motorised mechanism to raise and lower so users can reach a kitchen worktop or sit at a table. An automatic tilting mechanism that increases stability on ramps and incled surfaces will increase a user's reach. The Inclusivity chair is a fraction of the cost of adapting houses for elderly residents, and will be re-usable. Close links to the University of Sheffield give access to the Centre for Assistive Technologies and Connectivity in Healthcare (CATCH), who will assist in evaluation.

Funding £ 835,147
Competition Competition 9 - Addressing functional needs in the elderly
Competition Date June 2015
Health Innovation Network Partner Imperial College Health Partners AHSN


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